, San Antonio - To celebrate Valentine’s Day in February, the San Antonio Zoo (@sanantoniozoo) in the United States has a unique program to attract visitors. The program, called ‘Cry Me a Cockroach’ fundraiser offers visitors to name a cockroach with their ex’s name.
Not only named the cockroach, but it is also served as food for other animals. This is a unique way for visitors to express their disappointment in their exes.
To participate in the program, it will cost 10 US dollars or the equivalent of 157 thousand rupiah. Beside cockroaches, visitors can also choose vegetables for 5 US dollars or 78 rupiah, and rodents for 25 US dollars or 393 thousand rupiah.
Funds raised through this program will be used to ensure the future of wildlife in Texas and around the world.
What will you name yours, SEAtizens?
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